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Go Back Two concerts by the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra, conducted by Carlo Ponti

Reflecting its mission to serve as a catalyst in advocating and supporting music education in schools and in the community, the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra allocates all net profit from this concert towards the advancement and support of music education programs in schools in Southern California.

LAV is the only professional orchestra in the United States to offer aspiring young soloists the opportunity to rehearse and perform with the most talented musicians in the country. Access to a professional orchestra allows the next generation of aspiring talent to see how the pros work on their craft and pushes them to aspire to greater heights, bringing a professional career into focus.

Carlo Ponti is the conductor and founder of the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra, prior to which he was the music director and principal conductor of the San Bernardino Symphony, and Associate Conductor of the Russian National Orchestra.  

This event is made possible with the support of The Jose Iturbi Foundation and The Green Foundation.