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Sebastian Marx

Sebastian Marx        
“On est bien là” (We’re fine here)      
Friday, September 20th at 8:00pm
Tickets: $45
Gates at 7pm for complimentary light bites and cash bar.
**In French, no English supertitles.**

The opening night of TRK's 2024-2025 Season kicks off with this American stand up comedian living in Paris who performs in both French and English, or "Franglais"as we might say.

Following the success of  "A New Yorker In Paris", Theatre Raymond Kabbaz and French Talent USA present the new Sebastian Marx show "We're Fine Here."

Even after 15 years in France, Sebastian still speaks French with a German accent and being a foreigner is no longer an excuse. He must now face all the issues of being a "forty-something Franco-Jewish-New Yorker with 3 young children", and deal with how to react when his daughter corrects his French, or how to engage on the playground or other seemingly inconsequential daily interactions. 

Marx's hilarious take on daily life as seen from another culture is sure to resonate with the French and French-language speakers living in Los Angeles. 


Suite au succès de "Un New-Yorkais à Paris", le Théâtre Raymond Kabbaz et French Talent USA présentent le nouveau spectacle de Sebastian Marx "On est bien là."

Après 15 ans en France, Sebastian est foutu : il est bien là…

Même s’il parle encore le français avec un accent de touriste allemand, être un étranger n’est plus une excuse. Il doit maintenant faire face à toutes les problématiques d’un “quarantenaire franco-juif-new-yorkais PACSÉ avec 3 enfants en bas âge.”  Comment réagir quand ta fille corrige ton français, quand ta nana reçoit une banane en pleine gueule, quand ta femme de ménage trouve ta maison “dégueulasse”, quand t’es une cigale perdue dans un monde de fourmis ? Les choses de la vie quoi.

Sebastian prend son micro et nous raconte.

En français sans surtitrage anglais.

Friday, September 20, 2024   8:00 PM
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Written, acted and directed by Nil Bosca
Thursday, September 26th at 8:00pm
Students/Senior Tickets: $30
Regular Admission Tickets: $40
Gates at 7pm for cash bar and baguette sandwiches.
**In French with English supertitles.**

In an explosive one-woman show, Nil Bosca's Euphrate intertwines dance and theater to unleash her phenomenal expressiveness and her stunning energy.

After winning audiences and critics over with humor and finesse at the Avignon Off Festival last summer and after selling out at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale last fall, Nil Bosca performs two dates in the US this fall: one at Princeton University and one at TRK.

This show is a must-see for those who favor detours over straight paths and for those seeking the inspiration to pursue their life's true calling.

Directed by Stanislas Roquette & Olivier Constant 
Writing collaborators: Alexe Poukine & Hassam Ghancy 
Assistant director: Jane David 
Choreographic counsel: Chrystel Calvet
Sound: Stephanie Verissimo 
Lights: Genevieve Soubirou 
Décor: Cerise Guyon 
Collaborator: Frédéric Le Van

Euphrate is a young French woman born to a French mother and a Turkish father. She fumbles through school, trying figure out out what to do with her life. Euphrate explores; she confronts life and breaks rules, she finds anchors and support, and she visits her father's native Anatolia in Turkey where she meets a kindred spirit in Afife Jale (1902-1941), Turkey's first Muslim actress. Euphrate becomes Nil Bosca’s theatrical double, recounting the long journey of a young woman towards autonomy. Between returning to her roots and tearing away from her origins, Euphrate invents herself.

Made possible with the support of  DRAC, de la Région Île-de-France, du département du Val-de-Marne, d’Anis Gras - le lieu de l'Autre, du Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar, de l’ECAM, de l’Abbaye du Reclus, Centre d'information et de documentation jeunesse, de l'Auberge de jeunesse Yves Robert, de L'étoile du nord, de Nouveau Gare au Théâtre et de l'Institut Français de Turquie.


Fille d’un père turc et d’une mère française, Euphrate est une lycéenne en classe de terminale qui rencontre des difficultés avec le système scolaire. Outre ses résultats assez médiocres, elle doit prochainement exprimer son choix d’orientation professionnelle : un vrai casse-tête.Elle en vient alors à se demander quelle incidence sa double culture a pu avoir sur la construction de son identité. Dans un dialogue plein d’humour avec son père, elle part à la rencontre de ses racines turques et de ses souvenirs d’enfance. Entremêlant la danse et les mots, le spectacle raconte avec la liberté d’un corps joyeux le long chemin vers l’affirmation de sa propre parole de femme.

**En français avec surtitres en anglais.**


Thursday, September 26, 2024   8:00 PM
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Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch

"Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch"
Book by Eileen Spinelli Illustrated by Paul Yalowitz    
Adapted & Directed by Chris McGregor     
Puppet Designed and Crafted by Frank Rader
Puppet Wardrobe by Barbara Clayden
Costumes by Darryl Milot
Sound Design by Stephen Bulat
Set Design by Shizuka Kai

Thursday, October 10th at 7:30pm
Students/Senior Tickets: $15
Regular Admission Tickets: $25
Suitable for ages 3 and up.
Run time: 35 minutes.
**Performed in English**

Somebody Loves You, Mr.Hatch is a heartwarming story about a solitary old man whose life changes when he receives a Valentine from a secret admirer.

Mr. Hatch leads a predictable and dreary life; he keeps to himself. One Valentine’s Day, he unexpectedly receives a heart-shaped package with an anonymous note that whispers, “somebody loves you,” and everything changes. This heartwarming puppet play examines the effect that kindness can have on a lonely existence. Join washerwomen Betsy, Edna, and Molly as they bring Mr. Hatch’s story to life and help him search for his secret admirer!

Thursday, October 10, 2024   7:30 PM
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Vincent Dedienne - Un soir de gala

Vincent Dedienne  -  Un soir de gala        
Auteurs : Vincent Dedienne, Juliette Chaigneau, 
Mélanie Le Moine, Anaïs Harté.
Mise en scène : Vincent Dedienne et Juliette Chaigneau  
Scénographie : Lucie Joliot
Création lumière : Kelig Le Bars
Chorégraphie : Yan Raballand

Le 25 octobre à 20h
Tickets: $45
**En français avec surtitres.**

« Le nouveau maestro du rire français » Le Parisien
« Un véritable bijou d’humanité » Télérama Sortir
« Irrésistible et émouvant » Le Monde
« Un one-man-show au-dessus de la mêlée » Libération
« Surdoué, à part, inclassable » Le Figaro
« C’est un bijou d’humour, de poésie » Elle

C’est un spectacle qui ressemble à la Louisiane, à l’Italie…

Il y a des personnages dedans, des jeunes, des vieux, des gentils-comme-tout, des cinglés, des optimistes et des foutus. Des héros et des ordures… Des gens. Tous différents et tous réunis pour Un soir de gala. Leur point commun, c’est que c’est moi qui les joue. A capella.

Après avoir fait le tour de mon nombril dans mon précédent spectacle, j’ai décidé de tourner un peu autour des vôtres… si ça chatouille, tant mieux. 

P.S : En revanche, il n’y a pas de linge étendu sur la terrasse, et c’est dommage.

👇 🇺🇸

Vincent Dedienne  -  Un soir de gala
Writers: Vincent Dedienne, Juliette Chaigneau, Mélanie Le Moine, Anaïs Harté.
Directed by: Vincent Dedienne and Juliette Chaigneau
October 25 at 8:00pm
Tickets: $45
**In French with English supertitles.**

Vincent Dedienne is a contemporary French actor, comedian, writer, director, and columnist.

Dedienne brings his second one-man show "Un soir de gala" to Los Angeles. The show won a prestigious Molière award for comedy in 2022.

In "Un soir de gala", Dedienne demonstrates the full extent of his stage language, affirming his taste for whimsical words, unexpected situations, and dancing bodies. He chooses humor as the common thread, delicately and precisely sketching the portrait of characters usually left in the shadows.

"Less funny is more funny," confesses the author and actor, who weaves a dramatic web where the paths of some and others sometimes intersect and intertwine in a finely balanced choral harmony.

A theater encounter that surprises and delights.

Friday, October 25, 2024   8:00 PM
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Sophie Lukacs Trio

Sophie Lukacs Trio        
Kora: Sophie Lukacs        
Bass: László Koós        
Percussion (calabash) & vocals: Noel Mpiaza

Thursday, November 7th at 8:00pm
Gates at 7pm for bar and baguette sandwiches.
Students/Senior Tickets: $25
Regular Admission Tickets: $35

Sophie Lukacs is a Budapest born, Montreal based artist, who grew up studying the violin and western classical music. Of Jewish Hungarian descent, she is most inspired by music's power to move and bring people together. She is the grand-daughter of Eva Fahidi, a prominent writer and dancer who survived the Holocaust, and with whom she sang her first Hungarian folk songs.

Sophie begins adulthood studying International Development and Music at McGill University. She travels on an internship to Burkina Faso, where she first discovers the musical culture of the Mandingue tradition, and its majestic instrument: the kora. 
This music moves her deeply.  Yet, she can't imagine how to learn the instrument, since the kora is traditionally reserved for men from the "griot" caste. Sophie returns to Montreal to study pre-med, but music is never forgotten. She plays in the McGill orchestra, and listens compulsively to any kora recordings she finds. Finally, she leaves university, moves to New York, and immerses herself in music, dance, literature. One memorable day, riding the subway, Sophie steps out at Columbus circle, and hears the call of the kora. She follows the music and finds kora master Malang Jobarteh playing in the station. It's the sign she has been waiting for. She studies kora in New York and Montreal, then travels to Paris for a masterclass with kora legend Toumani Diabaté. Diabaté invites her to Bamako, she packs, and leaps into the unknown.

For 7 years in Mali, Sophie devotes herself to the kora and its traditional repertoire. Only after that does she acknowledge the stirring of her own music and stories. With the blessing and encouragement of her many teachers and mentors, including Habib Koité, and Hawa Kassé Mady Diabaté, and with profound gratitude for all they have shared with her, Sophie begins to compose her own music on the kora.

Sophie releases her LP "Bamako," in 2023, written and recorded mostly in Mali, featuring two tracks with the legendary Habib Koité. The album is awarded the Global Roots Album of the Year at the 2024 Canadian Folk Music Awards, and is praised in SONGLINES journal as a “splendid debut album” with “rich and lyrical” playing. On stage, Sophie performs with cello and percussion and sings in all the languages she speaks: English, French, Hungarian and Bambara. In 2024,  Sophie Lukacs will tour in Canada, US, Europe. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024   8:00 PM
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French Animation Fest

French Animation Fest        
Thursday, November 21st at 8:00pm      
Tickets $17 with complimentary charcuterie at intermission.
Lineup announced in September.
** Films in French with English subtitles **

With Animation Fest, TRK showcases French animation’s unlimited expressive potential that not even the magic of special effects can provide, as audiences are taken on a journey into real and imagined worlds far from the here and now.

Animation Fest at TRK contains themes best digested by adults, sure to inspire thought-provoking conversations during the intermission, over a glass of wine and cheese plate. The richness and variety of the proposed selection tackles eclectic themes, adopting different approaches, but always encouraging the viewers to reflect.

The audience votes for their favorite films. The winning director will be sent the results along with a congratulatory letter.

This event is made possible with the support of ELMA.

Thursday, November 21, 2024   8:00 PM
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Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra conducted by Carlo Ponti

The Los Angeles Virutosi Orchestra (LAV), conducted by Carlo Ponti       
Home for the Holidays: Friday, December 6th at 8:00pm
Mostly Mozart: Friday, May 16th at 8:00pm
Gates at 7:00pm for cash bar and baguette sandwiches.
Students/Senior Tickets: $35
Regular Admission Tickets: $45

December 6th Program  

Edward Elgar - Introduction and Allegro for strings, op.47 
John Williams - Three Holiday songs from Home Alone

  Somewhere in my memory
  Star of Bethlehem
  Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas


W.A. Mozart - Divertimento in B-Flat Major, K.138 
Selected Christmas Carols

For this special holiday concert, LAV proudly cooperates with the MUSYCA Junior Chorus and Chamber Singers.

MUSYCA Children's Choir is a multi-level, sequential choral music education program for children and youth. Serving San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, and neighboring cities, MUSYCA brings together gifted young people, ages 4-18 to create a diverse community of singers built on respect, love for music, and artistic excellence. MUSYCA (pronounced MUSIC-ah) is an acronym for Musical Youth of California.

This event is made possible with the support of The Jose Iturbi Foundation and The Green Foundation.

May 16th Program

This 10th Anniversary Season Finale presents exciting emerging talent debuting with LAV.

Featuring Leos Janacek’s brilliant Suite for String Orchestra, and the exciting artistry of young violin virtuosa Hannah White in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Concertone in C Major!

Program (no intermission)
Leos Janacek – Suite for String Orchestra

W.A. Mozart – Concertone in C Major, K.190

Hannah White, violin

Friday, December 6, 2024   8:00 PM
Home for the Holidays!
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Friday, May 16, 2025   8:00 PM
Mostly Mozart
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Leon Hesby

Leon Hesby          
December 13th at 8:00pm       
Tickets: $20         
Gates at 7:00pm for cash bar and baguette sandwiches.

Leon Hesby draws upon his experiences growing up in Paris to inform his present excursion into Los Angeles. The 18 year old’s songwriting and depth of vocal range earned him accolades on the iTunes Pop Charts in France for the singles “1, 2, 3,” and “Only You.” Hesby uses catchy hooks and refrains to build out music that reflects on adulthood, relationships, and ever-changing memories. With the pop infusion and catchy tunes of Shawn Mendes and the upbeat and jazzy production in the vein of JVKE, Hesby is a storyteller, thinker, and a modern nostalgic pop treasure.

Former student of Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, this event will be sure to draw the entire community out in support as he launches his career in the music industry. His father, Patrick Bruel has long been a face of French popular culture and one of his country’s most successful musicians. 

Friday, December 13, 2024   8:00 PM
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Lula Washington Dance Theatre (LWDT)

Lula Washington Dance Theatre (LWDT) - 45th Season Anniversary Launch
Thursday, January 16th at 8:00pm.      
Gates at 7:00pm for cash bar and baguette sandwiches.
Students/Senior Tickets: $25
Regular Admission Tickets: $35

Los Angeles-based company Lula Washington Dance Theatre celebrates the legacy of Dr.  Martin Luther King, Jr. by offering a dance program in advance of the MLK holiday weekend.

Founded in 1979 in inner-city Los Angeles by Lula Washington and her husband, Erwin Washington, this vibrant troupe is known for powerful, high energy performances, unique choreography, and works that are rooted in African-American culture and history. 

Lula Washington Dance Theatre (LWDT) celebrates its 45th Anniversary in 2025. During its first three decades LWDT danced across the globe, from the United States to Russia, China, Brazil, Kosovo, Germany, and other countries. In addition to performing, the company has a passionate commitment to education and community outreach both at home and on tour. LWDT operates its own dance school and studio in South Los Angeles, where 100 inner city youth study dance all year long. The students perform in LWDT’s Youth Dance Ensemble and in an annual Youth Dance Recital in June; a Summer showcase in August; a Dance All Day Festival in October; and an annual Kwanzaa Festival in December. Many LWDT Company dancers received their start in dance at the LWDT school.

Thursday, January 16, 2025   8:00 PM
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A Night of Short French Films

A Night of Short French Films       
Thursday, February 13th at 8:00pm     
Gates at 7pm for baguette sandwiches and cash bar. 
Intermission with complimentary cheese and charcuterie included in the price of a ticket.
Tickets at $17.
In French with English subtitles. Suitable for ages 16+
Film lineup announced in December.

Now in its fifteenth year straight, A Night of Short French Films honors French cinema and the innovative traditions in filmmaking being developed there since the very first motion picture was screened in Paris in 1895.

In this new collection of French shorts, we delve into films with a distinctly French style selected from the top French festival circuit. Along with the free cheese and charcuterie tasting at intermission, you’ll feel as though you were in Paris!  

Marvel at the new French directors and actors until now unknown to Hollywood but who may yet have prolific careers there! Vote for your favorite short in our Audience Awards!

The program is presented in two one-hour long sessions and includes a 15-minute intermission with complimentary cheese and charcuterie tasting with each ticket purchase.

This event is made possible with the support of ELMA.

Thursday, February 13, 2025   8:00 PM
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Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra

The Los Angeles Virutosi Orchestra (LAV)    
Conducted by Carlo Ponti       
Friday, May 16th at 8:00pm
Gates at 7:00pm for cash bar and baguette sandwiches.
Students/Senior Tickets: $35
Regular Admission Tickets: $45

LAV's 10th Anniversary Season Finale showcases the debut of exciting emerging musical.

Featuring Leos Janacek’s brilliant Suite for String Orchestra, and the exciting artistry of young violin virtuosa Hannah White in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Concertone in C Major!

Program (no intermission)
Leos Janacek – Suite for String Orchestra

W.A. Mozart – Concertone in C Major, K.190

Hannah White, violin

Reflecting its mission to serve as a catalyst in advocating and supporting music education in schools and in the community, the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra allocates all net profit from this concert towards the advancement and support of music education programs in schools in Southern California.

LAV is the only professional orchestra in the United States to offer aspiring young soloists the opportunity to rehearse and perform with the most talented musicians in the country. Access to a professional orchestra allows the next generation of aspiring talent to see how the pros work on their craft and pushes them to aspire to greater heights, bringing a professional career into focus.

Carlo Ponti is the conductor and founder of the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra, prior to which he was the music director and principal conductor of the San Bernardino Symphony, and Associate Conductor of the Russian National Orchestra.  

Friday, May 16, 2025   8:00 PM
Mostly Mozart
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About Theatre Raymond Kabbaz
10361 West Pico Blvd.
(310) 286-0553